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Volume 1, 2023


Verius is our proprietary publication created by our exemplary educators who are passionate about their field of expertise and dedicated to inspiring a love of lifelong learning.

This collective body of work reflects our investment in our educators and ultimately impacts the most critical minds we can influence and guide: our students.

Bridget Foster

Research Priorities

Our research priorities are aligned with our commitment to cultivating a culture of learning and empowering our students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in an ever-changing world.

Our Professional Learning Framework (PLF) is integral for teacher development at Mentone Girls' Grammar. By participating in ongoing professional research, learning and practices, our staff work with experts in the field to gain valuable insights that provide the best possible educational outcomes for our students.

Currently, we have a range of research partnerships with some of Australia’s leading universities. These partnerships not only inform our practice, but contribute to the broader academic conversation to ensure that knowledge is continuously shared.
These include:
Social and Emotional Wellbeing Competence, University of New South Wales
Research Invested Schools Mapping, University of Newcastle
Post-covid Digital Safety, University of Western Sydney
QProject Research Tool, Monash University
Online Mental Health Prevention Program, Sydney University

Junior School

Fellowships & Bursaries

Staff who seek to extend their professional learning through an advanced research project, where their line of inquiry can contribute to our broader learning community, have the opportunity to gain additional support through our Fellowship and a range of bursaries.

Our 2024 Mentone Girls’ Grammar Fellow is Ms Camilla Gaff, who has been a member of our community as a Junior School teacher since 2012. Ms Gaff was awarded the fellowship to conduct a sustained enquiry into social thinking clinical training. Through a range of initiatives, including travel to Santa Clara (California, US), to attend training, our Fellowship output for 2024 seeks to develop effective and practical supports for students, informed by the social competencies model.

Our School recognises the importance of supporting teachers who seek to expand their pedagogical understanding and distribute their findings so that others may be enriched from shared knowledge.

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As part of our commitment to fostering the next generation of teachers, we partner with leading tertiary institutions across Melbourne. We are fortunate to have enthusiastic and willing staff who regularly volunteer to mentor pre-service teachers and continue to ensure that, as a School, we can help shape the careers of future educators.

The beauty of this program is that the benefit is reciprocal, allowing both our teaching staff and students to be exposed to the most contemporary teaching practices, styles, and technology integration from teachers entering the profession. We place significant value on experienced educators who serve as mentors to contribute to the growth and development of the teaching profession. They pass on their knowledge, experience, and passion for teaching to the next generation of educators.

For further information on undertaking your placement with us, please contact your university directly, or contact Mentone Girls' Grammar via the email link below for placement availability.

General Enrolment Enquiry

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